Town Council Meeting

On the evening of September 30th, as the last few waking hours of September were upon me, I felt a pull back into September. Time travel into the past. A pull I can now control and less often allow myself to succumb to, but it was in this pull which had enveloped me, I realized I didn’t want September to end. I let it take me. Who have I become this month? Here are the highlights:

In the month of September, on a warm day, in front of a line of cars waiting for the man holding the sign to turn it from STOP to SLOW, I jabbed two metal stakes into my lawn attached to a sign that read “September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month”. 

In the month of September, I survived my thirty-eighth birthday, June’s third birthday, and Bella’s thirteenth birthday, in that order. 

In the month of September, two days before June’s birthday, I went before the Town Council and accepted a signed proclamation which I had submitted in August deeming September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the town of which I live. I delivered a speech in honor of June and all the children and their families who are impacted by Childhood Cancer to raise awareness and bring our community’s attention to the devastation childhood cancer is having on it’s children and families.

In the month of September, I shared the Town Council footage with anyone and everyone I love who would listen to me. Now, I’d like to share it with you.

My speech is approximately three minutes long, however the video itself is closer to nine minutes. My only ask is that you watch until the very end, and to please share with anyone and everyone you love.





On Your Birthday, June